Money On Tap

how to create + sell your first passive income product

so it pays you over and over again while you nap, eat, dance, read, chill, repeat

a 3-day masterclass where I walk you step-by-step from idea to creation to selling of your passive income product!

Imagine if you could make money while you nap, play, eat, read, swim, hang out with your children, bake, dance…


And I’m showing you how!

Wherever you are in the world, whatever you currently have something to TEACH and SHARE. That people will pay for.

People want to hear from you! 

Come join me inside - MONEY ON TAP: How To Create + Sell Your First Passive Income Product (and make money while you: nap, play, eat, read, swim…)

You’ve got an inkling that you must be sharing value because people are responding a lot and it’s sparking great conversations.

You get lots of questions in your DM’s but don’t necessarily have somewhere to send people to find out more.

You’ve spent the past years reading, studying, developing yourself, learning,

It’s time to teach a class on it!

YOU have value to share.

The way YOU have learned something is YOUR flavour of that.

Your unique perspective. Your way of learning. Your way of teaching.

People want to hear it from you! 

And, the irony, I want to teach YOU how…

Come + join me inside Money On Tap: How To Create, Sell + Deliver Your First Passive Income Product (and make money while you: nap, eat, play, dance, read, swim)

  • The masterclass model that had been supporting me with thousands of pounds in passive income for years without me even noticing! 

  • The step-by-step walkthrough of how to create + sell your first online product (even if you don’t know what you have to teach! or think you’re not ready!) 

  • How you can share something once and keep getting paid for it for years to come…

  • A follow along guide to the simple steps you need in place to have it all running smoothly for you (or that you can hand over to your VA) 

This is for you if: 

  • You want a way to keep growing your income while you’re away or taking time off 

  • You want more freedom in your business and not need to be tied to your desk 

  • you’d love a way to bring new people into your world that get to know you and what you’re about while getting paid for it too 

  • You’ve always liked the idea of a digital product but it feels like a lot and you want to stop ‘thinking about it’ and finally get it out there 

  • You want to take your ideas from your head + to life so you can be getting paid for them instead of them gathering dust! 

  • You love the idea of having paypal pings while you sleep, read, relax, chill, enjoy your life!

    A 3-day masterclass to create, deliver + sell your passive income product!


  • Power up your creatrix energy + mindset so you’re ready to make money on tap

  • Get clarity + confidence on what you can teach and what people want to know from YOU (yes, YOU!)

  • Together, we’ll vision, brainstorm, create and get things done!

  • By the end of this session you’ll have a great idea of what you’re bringing to life + be ready to take the next steps to bring it through!


  • Learn the art of the pre-sell and how to get paid TO create your product - it can be ready to make money for you, like, today!

  • Get set to have your idea in motion, and you’ll get my copy tips for a super sexy name + sales page for your thing.

  • We’ll map the only things you need to start selling your product now - you will not believe how easy it is + will kick yourself a little bit for not having made this happen sooner!


  • How to share it with your world in a juicy and creative way

  • Learn what makes YOUR thing different and delicious and unique and utilise that to invite people in (even if you think ‘everyone’s doing this’) - nobody’s doing it like you!

  • Tips for delivery of a juice-filled product your clients will salivate over! And now you’ll have the buzz to do it again and again!

  • The mindset shifts that need to happen in order to let your new product do the work for you and to get it out + deliver with confidence already!


How to make your new product evergreen and be working for you while you eat, nap, sleep, repeat forever more!

*cue the Will Young Evergreen song floating into your ear…and paypal pings floating into your inbox while you sleep!


  • 3 x 90 minute power sessions - replay recordings of the LIVE version available to watch at your leisure + pace!

  • a fillable content plan guide to help you sell with style 

  • a bonus checklist + step-by-step to Create, Sell, have in place so that you can rinse and repeat this method again and again 

  • Recordings of all sessions + bonus guides you can keep to rinse + repeat fo’life!

By the end of the sessions, you’ll be fully equipped to be making passive income from your product now. And to have it working for you while you live your lovely life! 

Get ready for more freedom, more excitement, more creativity and more money! 

Because…you don’t need to keep putting those ideas outside of yourself. You don’t need to keep waiting for later. You don’t have to do a whole huge big scary programme that you don’t even know will sell and that you keep putting off for years because the thought of it scares the pants off of you and you think you have to work with another coach first and get fifteen more qualifications.

No. You get to stop waiting. You get to create it now. The thing. That thing that is holding the fort while you’re on the beach, or at the movies, or looking after your children, or caring for your sick pet, or taking a nap, or ENJOYING YOUR ONE WILD AND PRECIOUS LIFE. (Fancy that?!) 

So come join the Money On Tap party! There’ll be music, and dancing and romancing as we bring to life that magical little product that’s gonna make money for you while you do: whatever the f you damn well please!

Ready? Okay! 

usually £127



What happens next? 

  • Hit the buy button

  • Submit your payment

  • Receive an email from me with the deets to access the masterclass recordings!

  • Learn how to create, sell + deliver your passive income product, make money while you sleep, live happily ever after. THE END.

  • Oh, not the end. Have a formula for life to keep creating and selling and sharing your wisdom with style and service and sweet sweet reward!

"Sophie has superpowers when it comes to getting rid of your blocks in your mind and things you didn't even know were holding you back from doing what you want to be, do and have in your life and business. She's also a word wizard, messaging maven and all-round business expert.

- Sophie Carefull, Personal Branding Photographer