Be your own coach with the power of EFT tapping!
A power-packed self-study course designed to help you use Tapping (also known as EFT / Emotional Freedom Technique) to remove limiting beliefs, clear fears and unlock your inner power source.
You might have heard it a million times before…but you have all the answers you’ll ever need within you.
The answers to your problems. The true reasons behind what’s holding you back. The inner knowing on what to do next. The connection to your higher self. The ability to be your own coach and guru.
Tapping is the tool that will support you to be your own guru, to manage your emotions, to be unafraid to dive into what’s really getting in your way, to feel empowered to clear it AND to see incredible results in your outer world as a result of this inner world clearing.
One of my mottos is: THE ONLY WAY OUT IS THROUGH
When we feel fear - our quickest reaction is often to AVOID. Make a u-turn. Turn back and forget all about our big dreams. Keep ourselves small and comfortable so as not to disrupt our inner self.
But when you’ve got big dreams and want to LIVE your life - this attitude just doesn’t cut it.
The only way out of fear, worry, doubt, sadness, guilt, is to be with it, to face it, to actively look it in the face and see it for what it is. To let it pass through.
Most humans spend their life trying to avoid these natural human feelings. And don’t pursue their dreams as a way to keep safe and avoidy.
But the magic happens when we actually face what’s holding us back and clear it out.
I’ve used tapping to:
obliterate deep-rooted body pains within 2 hours
remove limiting belief after limiting belief
crack through money blocks and see instant results
relieve pain including headaches, sickness, bloating
turn down my buzzing brain and get to sleep instantly
release fear, panic and anxiety from my body
get comfortable with my emotions and stop being afraid of them
resolve body confidence issues
And I use it with my clients too for:
processing deep grief
releasing themselves from guilt they’ve carried for years
unblock money worries and beliefs
stopping procrastination
getting to the root cause of their worries, doubts, fears and clearing them out for good
self-soothing and a personal power tool to coach themselves in between sessions
In this power-packed tapping course, you’ll receive:
A power-packed video self-study course on how to use tapping to breakthrough your fears, reduce anxiety, heal from old patterns, wounds and behaviours, upgrade your mindset, bust through your money blocks, tap into your intuition and more.
Access to a tapping vault of 10+ tapping videos to supercharge your momentum and turbo-boost your energy and bust through: Money blocks, confidence wobbles, visibility worries, procrastination, creativity blocks and banish burnout.
Soul-sparking journal prompts and exercises designed to create your own powerful tapping self-healing sessions - so you know exactly what to do when worries arise and how to tackle them with tapping
Be your own coach - Bonus session on how to self-coach yourself out of any problem / overwhelm - how to find your answers and clarity when you feel stuck and don’t know wtf to do
Designed to:
Get to the core of your fears & tap through them so you can blaze towards what you want with an air of 'unstoppable' surrounding you.
If you're feeling:
+ so overwhelmed with all. of. the. things. you want to be doing, that it feels too much and you carry on merely hoping something will change
+ crippled by doubt about what you're capable of and need a fierce reminder of how valuable you and your skills are, fast!
+ lacking focus and direction on where you're heading and how to make things happen
+ in need of a powerful confidence boost & ways to make it last!
+ stuck with life and feeling like you’re just keeping your head above water and want to be free and thriving
+ know you’re holding on to a lot of fear and want to clear the path so you can move forward with more ease and clarity
Then this course is for you…
If you've lost your mojo, have forgotten what you're even doing this for, know you want to make a change but don't know where to start, or are running low on belief bubbles and want to get your bottle topped up, then get on in here and get TAPPED IN to your power!
usually £97
What happens next?
Hit the buy button
Submit your payment
Receive an email from me with your log-in to the course
Learn EFT, feel free-er in your body, more connected to yourself, lighter, get paid for what you love, live happily ever after. THE END.
Oh, not the end. Have a tool for life to support yourself and your inner wellbeing!